Tomorrow we celebrate National Indigenous Peoples' Day in Canada. It is a time to identify and acknowledge the peoples that have cared for the land on which we live, work and play since time immemorial. As a business, even a small gesture like including a land acknowledgement on your landing page, email signature or header/footer is a big step in the right direction toward reconciliation.
There are a few ways that you can include an announcement on your website, and this can be used as a permanent fixture or temporarily for other occasions and celebrations. The object is to add an eye-catching element that catches the attention of your site visitor in an unobtrusive manner, ensure the message is received and allow them to easily carry on to your site for their originally-intended purpose. Some of our favourite methods for doing so include:
A landing page (like the one pictured above): delivers a message and clearly directs the user to continue on to the main site. Landing pages can be temporary (for one-off occasions) or permanent.
Sneaker ad: an unobtrusive banner that slides up at the bottom of the screen to deliver a message and can be cleared by the user if desired. These are preferred over banners for important messages as banners can be less effective at catching the user's attention.
Badge: a great tool for quick, short announcements that don't take up a lot of screen real-estate.
Chat message: if you already use a chat (or want to add one onto your site), consider adding a welcome message when the chat window pops up that includes the messaging of your announcement.
Email marketing: send out a brief message to your subscribers that iterates your announcement when you need it.
Pop-ups: although eye-catching and fairly effective, pop-ups should be used sparingly as they can often annoy site users.
If you'd like to add an announcement to your website and need a hand, give our web design team at Concept Computers a visit at 1257 Marine Drive in North Vancouver or call us at 604-986-7680.
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