Hot tip time: Does your computer sit in the sun and look like this? The good news is you can get them looking white again with a few simple steps that we have tried and tested.
1. Safety first: put on some gloves and eye wear just in case!
2. Mix a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (3%) with about 1/4 tsp of Oxy Clean (the laundry booster) - you can also just make a water and Oxy Clean paste.
3. Soak some paper towel in the solution and squeeze out just enough so it is not dripping and will not drip on your equipment.
4. Place the paper towel on the yellowed equipment, ensuring that you cover all the yellowed areas and leave for 2-6 hours.
5. Place the equipment under the sun until it has whitened again.
6. Clean off the solution by wiping with a damp cloth (not dripping wet).
7. Enjoy your newly restored stuff!
Come check out our handy work on an old Compaq that was originally purchased from us in the early 1980's. It has been masterfully restored and awaits your awe in-store at 1259 Marine Drive in North Vancouver. To speak to us about other computer hot tips come see us in-person or give us a call at 604-986-7680.
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