Getting a new computer is always so exciting! But did you know that most manufacturers load their computers up with a lot of unnecessary software and adware that can bog down your machine and prevent it from running at top speed as soon as you get your data on there?
We call it "crapware". There are a host of games and adware that come with your computer for promotional purposes. Plus, a number of pre-loaded and peripheral accessory software that you won't likely need. Once you transfer over your files, this can mean less space and less speed for your machine.
Concept offers a worry-free set-up package that will remove any superfluous software, safely transfer over your data from your old machine and ensure that there is a trusted anti-virus program running on your new toy. It can save you a huge headache down the road and will keep your computer running at lightning speed for much longer!
To speak to one of our qualified technicians about setting up your holiday gift, come see us in-store at 1257 Marine Drive in North Vancouver or give us a call at 604-986-7680.
keywords: how to set up a new computer, do i need this software?, how to transfer data to a new computer, best antivirus