They say one of the great things about supporting small business is that you know the people you are dealing with. We thought we'd share a little about us.
Concept Computers is a fully family owned and operated business. Here is our story:
In 1984, with a two year old and newborn baby at home Dwight Dubowits opened Westcoast Computers from the ashes of a failed publishing venture, a community newspaper called the North Shore Weekly, which among other assets for sale, had two "personal computers" for sale that were used for the news room. The response to the "For Sale" ad was tremendous, with dozens of responses. To meet the demand, Dwight simply went out to purchase new computers for resale, and eventually turned to wholesale suppliers.
At the time, personal computers were an emerging business and Dwight worked hard to learn the ins and outs of the business. There was little to no training available for these products, and Dwight had to self-teach this new technology (both hardware and software) as it unfolded. Change has been constant ever since, and he quickly realized that in order to properly sell and service these products, he would have to embark on never-ending learning process, something we do to this very day.
At first, with a new and growing family at home Dwight hired a couple of employees to help with the business but as the years passed wife June took more of an active role in the business and daughters Sharee, Melanie and Ashley began to take an interest as well.
Today Westcoast has grown into Concept Computers, where Dwight and Melanie continue in their roles as sales people and technicians, Melanie has also expanded our mobile operations to Burnaby - New West, June manages the administrative side of things and Sharee manages IT and social media.
One of the most important things we learned along the way is, it is critically important to know what you sell, that servicing what you sell is critical to being able to survive in this type of industry.
We are proud to call ourselves computer experts and to have served our community for over 30 years!
To speak to us about all your computer needs, come see us in-store at our new location at 1257 Marine Drive in North Vancouver (next to our old shop) or give us a call at 604-986-7680.
For more information about us, our products and services visit our website at www.conceptcomputers.ca.
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