To open a file on your computer or tablet, the standard operation is a double-click. But for some, especially those with mobility restrictions or those that live with motor disorders, this can be challenging. Thankfully, there are often ways to modify standard computer operations to make these devices more accessible for all.
In this case, we could modify the standard double-click to open a file, to a single-click operation. To do so is relatively simple. In Windows 11 follow these steps:
Open your file explorer (this is the icon that looks like a file folder, or alternatively you can press the windows button + E)
In the menu ribbon at the very top of the window, the last option you will see is three dots (...). Click this icon to reveal a drop-down menu.
Select "Options" from the drop-down menu and a pop-up window will appear
Under the General tab, in the "Click items as follows" section, select the radio button that corresponds with "Single-click to open an item (point to select)"
Click "Apply" and then "OK" at the bottom of the pop-up window
You should now be able to open items with only one click!
Still need some help or want more options for making your computer more accessible? We can do that!
Come see us in-store at 1257 Marine Drive in North Vancouver or give us a call at 604-986-7680.
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