We spent some time scouring University website for their recommendations and combined them with our knowledge to bring you a list of computer specs you should look for when purchasing a laptop for school.
Based on the varying scope of work you are likely to undertake at school, we definitely advise going with a laptop with a full operating system and higher capabilities as opposed to tablets and netbooks. Look for a PC with the following specs:
- Windows 10 operating system
- Microsoft Office 365
- 16 GB RAM
- i5 or i7 (preferred) processor
- 500 GB hard drive or SSD if it is in your budget
- Graphics card with HDMI port
- 14" screen or bigger
- Keypad for heavy mathematics
- 8-hour battery life for lecture halls with scant plug-ins
If you are carrying your laptop around a lot, stay as light as you can, around 2 lbs is great! You can sacrifice touch screens to keep the weight down if needed.
Need a little help picking something out? Come see us in-store at 1257 Marine Drive in North Vancouver or give us a call at 604-986-7680.
For more information about us, our products and services visit our website at www.conceptcomputers.ca.
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